American Indian Owned Law Firm

Cell phones create 3 driving distractions

On Behalf of | Aug 1, 2024 | Personal Injury

Texting and driving is prohibited because cell phones are known to be a major driving distraction. Someone who uses their device in the car is much more likely to cause an accident because they’re not really aware of what’s happening on the road around them.

But the truth is that cell phones present an especially high level of danger because they create three different distractions at one time – or at least, they have the potential to do so. Let’s look at how this may happen and why it could cause a serious car crash.

Eyes off of the road

First off, looking at a phone takes the driver’s eyes from the road and creates a visual distraction. This is true if they’re using the phone as a GPS, typing a text message or picking a new song to listen to.

Hands off of the wheel

The next problem is that manipulating the device usually means the person has to take at least one hand off of the steering wheel. Even when they try to control the car, driving one-handed simply isn’t as safe. This is why some drivers will use hands-free devices.

Mind off of the task

Finally, driving a vehicle is a very complicated job, and it requires mental focus. Drivers need to be thinking about what they’re doing, anticipating the mistakes of other drivers around them, and generally just focusing on the road. But even someone who is looking at the road could be mentally or cognitively distracted by their cellphone – thinking about what they want to write in a text message, for instance – so they’re not paying as much attention to what they’re doing.

All of these issues can lead to a car accident in a split second. Those who have been injured need to know how to seek financial compensation.